Friday, September 18, 2009

Sabayon 5.0 update

Its been a little while since I posted on this blog but let me tell you in short whats going to happen very soon:

- Sabayon 5.0 Release Candidate 1 will be released for testing.

The Sabayon testing team went through 2 beta stages to get here so it should be fine for most people to check out. If the RC1 makes it through testing team it will be marked as 5.0.

- Chromium is here! No not only the chromium-bin version, but the chromium version build against our tree. (Entropy) and yes it works with flash!

- You can migrate to Sabayon branch 5 now using the following procedure:

  • Make sure you have latest entropy version on branch 4
  • equo hop 5
  • equo update
  • equo upgrade
Keep in mind that there is NO more support for KDE 3.x If your system has KDE 3.x installed don't expect it to work after you've migrated to branch 5.

- We've migrated to latest libxcb-1.4

- Sabayon 5 will be more bleeding edge then ever! And we are planning keeping things updated daily using a testing repository. On the next release (5.1) all packages from testing repository will flow into the mainline repository.

- Latest beta 9.10 ATI fglrx are in entropy

- Kernel 2.6.31

So expect all off this coming to you very soon.

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